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                Shenzhen FPC black hole line manufacturer¡¯s characteristics of FPC and basic structure of flexible circuit board

                Date:2021-07-01 17:35:24
                Information summary:
                The FPC in the FPC black hole line is the abbreviation of Flexible Printed Circuit, also known as flexible circuit board, flexible printed circuit board, flexible circuit board, or FPC for short. It has the characteristics of high wiring density, light weight, and thin thickness. . FPC flexible printed circuit is a kind of highly reliable, excellent flexible printed circuit made of polyimide or polyester film as the base material. It has many advantages that rigid printed circuit boards do not have. It can Free bending, winding, and folding can be arranged according to the space layout requirements, and can be moved and stretched freely in three-dimensional space, so as to achieve the integration of component devices and wires. This kind of circuit can not only be bent at will, but also has light weight, small size and heat dissipation performance. Good, easy to install, breaking through the traditional concept of interconnection technology.

                Shenzhen FPC black hole line manufacturer¡¯s characteristics of FPC and basic structure of flexible circuit board
                The FPC in the FPC black hole line is the abbreviation of Flexible Printed Circuit, also known as flexible circuit board, flexible printed circuit board, flexible circuit board, or FPC for short. It has the characteristics of high wiring density, light weight, and thin thickness. .
                FPC flexible printed circuit is a kind of highly reliable, excellent flexible printed circuit made of polyimide or polyester film as the base material. It has many advantages that rigid printed circuit boards do not have. It can Free bending, winding, and folding can be arranged according to the space layout requirements, and can be moved and stretched freely in three-dimensional space, so as to achieve the integration of component devices and wires. This kind of circuit can not only be bent at will, but also has light weight, small size and heat dissipation performance. Good, easy to install, breaking through the traditional concept of interconnection technology.
                FPC can greatly reduce the volume of electronic products, and is suitable for the development of resistance products in the direction of high density, miniaturization, and high reliability. Therefore, FPC is used in products in aerospace, military, mobile communications, consumer electronics, industrial control, medical and other fields. Has been widely used.
                ¡¡¡¡ The basic structure of FPC black hole line flexible circuit board
                ¡¡In recent years, with the widespread popularity of mobile products such as smart phones and tablet computers, flexible circuit boards that were not previously known are also widely used, but many people do not know much about the structure of FPC.
                ¡¡¡¡From the combination of flexible circuit board base material and copper pad, it can be roughly divided into glued flexible circuit board and non-adhesive flexible circuit board.
                ¡¡¡¡No glue type products. In terms of price, non-glue flexible circuit boards are much more expensive than those with rubber materials, mainly because the processing of non-glue substrates is difficult and complicated. In terms of performance, non-adhesive FPC is better than products with adhesive in terms of the bonding force between the copper foil and the substrate and the flatness of the pads, and the flexibility is also better than the products with adhesive.
                Although the flexible circuit board with glue is inferior to the product without glue in some aspects, its price is relatively cheap, and the performance is not much different from that of the glue-free product. General products are sufficient, so the application of flexibility in the market Most PCBs still use glued materials. Our company also mainly uses plastic materials for production, but each customer has different requirements, and the material selection is mainly based on the needs of customers.
                ¡¡¡¡ Same as hard boards, soft boards are also divided into single-sided, double-sided, and multilayer boards.
                The general structure of single panel is: cover film (PI)/adhesive (ADH)/copper platinum (CU)/adhesive (ADH)/substrate (PI), some special soft boards such as single-sided double contact (different panel), single-sided The hollow boards (there are also double-sided hollow circuit boards) have only one layer of copper and platinum.
                Double panel general structure: cover film (PI)/adhesive (ADH)/copper platinum (CU)/adhesive (ADH)/substrate (PI)/adhesive (ADH)/copper platinum (CU)/adhesive (ADH)/cover Membrane (PI), another layered flexible circuit board, is bonded with an adhesive between two single-sided boards.
                ¡¡¡¡ Multilayer soft board general structure: multiple single-sided or double-sided boards are combined with adhesive.
                Shenzhen FPC black hole line manufacturers¡¯ soft boards are much more flexible in structure than traditional PCB hard boards. With the rapid development of technology, soft boards will involve more and more application fields, which will definitely promote the development of the soft board market!

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                Copyright © Shenzhen Yutong Ruite Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong ICP No. 2021164917

                Home > News > Industry News

                Shenzhen FPC black hole line manufacturer¡¯s characteristics of FPC and basic structure of flexible circuit board

                Shenzhen FPC black hole line manufacturer¡¯s characteristics of FPC and basic structure of flexible circuit board
                The FPC in the FPC black hole line is the abbreviation of Flexible Printed Circuit, also known as flexible circuit board, flexible printed circuit board, flexible circuit board, or FPC for short. It has the characteristics of high wiring density, light weight, and thin thickness. .
                FPC flexible printed circuit is a kind of highly reliable, excellent flexible printed circuit made of polyimide or polyester film as the base material. It has many advantages that rigid printed circuit boards do not have. It can Free bending, winding, and folding can be arranged according to the space layout requirements, and can be moved and stretched freely in three-dimensional space, so as to achieve the integration of component devices and wires. This kind of circuit can not only be bent at will, but also has light weight, small size and heat dissipation performance. Good, easy to install, breaking through the traditional concept of interconnection technology.
                FPC can greatly reduce the volume of electronic products, and is suitable for the development of resistance products in the direction of high density, miniaturization, and high reliability. Therefore, FPC is used in products in aerospace, military, mobile communications, consumer electronics, industrial control, medical and other fields. Has been widely used.
                ¡¡¡¡ The basic structure of FPC black hole line flexible circuit board
                ¡¡In recent years, with the widespread popularity of mobile products such as smart phones and tablet computers, flexible circuit boards that were not previously known are also widely used, but many people do not know much about the structure of FPC.
                ¡¡¡¡From the combination of flexible circuit board base material and copper pad, it can be roughly divided into glued flexible circuit board and non-adhesive flexible circuit board.
                ¡¡¡¡No glue type products. In terms of price, non-glue flexible circuit boards are much more expensive than those with rubber materials, mainly because the processing of non-glue substrates is difficult and complicated. In terms of performance, non-adhesive FPC is better than products with adhesive in terms of the bonding force between the copper foil and the substrate and the flatness of the pads, and the flexibility is also better than the products with adhesive.
                Although the flexible circuit board with glue is inferior to the product without glue in some aspects, its price is relatively cheap, and the performance is not much different from that of the glue-free product. General products are sufficient, so the application of flexibility in the market Most PCBs still use glued materials. Our company also mainly uses plastic materials for production, but each customer has different requirements, and the material selection is mainly based on the needs of customers.
                ¡¡¡¡ Same as hard boards, soft boards are also divided into single-sided, double-sided, and multilayer boards.
                The general structure of single panel is: cover film (PI)/adhesive (ADH)/copper platinum (CU)/adhesive (ADH)/substrate (PI), some special soft boards such as single-sided double contact (different panel), single-sided The hollow boards (there are also double-sided hollow circuit boards) have only one layer of copper and platinum.
                Double panel general structure: cover film (PI)/adhesive (ADH)/copper platinum (CU)/adhesive (ADH)/substrate (PI)/adhesive (ADH)/copper platinum (CU)/adhesive (ADH)/cover Membrane (PI), another layered flexible circuit board, is bonded with an adhesive between two single-sided boards.
                ¡¡¡¡ Multilayer soft board general structure: multiple single-sided or double-sided boards are combined with adhesive.
                Shenzhen FPC black hole line manufacturers¡¯ soft boards are much more flexible in structure than traditional PCB hard boards. With the rapid development of technology, soft boards will involve more and more application fields, which will definitely promote the development of the soft board market!

                Copyright © Shenzhen Yutong Ruite Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong ICP No. 2021164917